雪隆广东会馆妇女部欢庆成立20周年,将于28/8/2016主办华语经典名曲卡拉OK歌唱比赛及晚宴,以筹募慈善援助金,以援助现今社会不时发生的不幸事故,甚至突发的天灾人祸 。本妇女部成立至今,对弱势群体的关注,急需援手的灾黎,向来不落人后,因此,本部希望趁这纪念性的20周年所主办的歌唱盛会,能延续爱的散播。
In conjunction with its 20th Anniversary celebration, Women Section of The Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Kwangtung Association will be organizing a Karaoke Singing Competition and Dinner on 28/8/2016 to raise funds in order to aid the unfortunate segment of society such as the sick, the old, orphans and those affected by natural disasters. The Women Section, from its establishment until today, has been at the forefront of actively assisting with the needs of those who are less fortunate. Therefore, it hopes to continue its efforts to assist those who are in need.
We welcome the participation of those who have the passion for singing and we seek your kind contribution to assist us in fulfilling the objectives of this event.
Thank you!
雪隆广东会馆妇女部 谨启